Self Paced Learning

“A colleague recommended Learnguage to me and I joined them with just a basic knowledge of greetings in French Language. I enrolled in a private session and learnt for about 4 months before writing the DELF A2 exam. I passed excellently with a score of 89 out of 100. Now, I have the motivation to prepare for my TEF exam and I'm starting immediately.“
- Kemi O.
“Eliora kept insisting that she wanted to go to a French immersion school for middle school because she enjoyed the Speakflow holiday program so much. It was hard but she was persistent. I'm really excited because she came home after her first day of school yesterday so delighted that she could pick out a few words when her teacher was communicating.” Thank you for inspiring a young lady to go on her French language journey.“
- Mrs U.
- Eliora’s Video
- Rika’s Video
- Oreofe’s Video
Our teachers are trained experts who love to work with children and understand their learning styles.
Our classes are fun and engaging. With the use of games and other digital educational resources, we have found a way to captivate our students’ audience throughout their entire class period.
A free access to pre-recorded videos and quizzes on our LMS
We accommodate your schedule, providing consistent and dependable service worldwide.